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夸克学习有夸克就有解查看试卷解析云南省云天化中学、下关一中2021届高三复习备考联合质量检测卷(二)英语试卷Want to save on the price of your train tickets?Then you'll need to buy a National Railcard.The first step is topick the right Railcard,but worry not!We'll walk you through each type and help you find the one most suited toyour needs.The Network RailcardSpend E 30 on a Network Railcard for the year and look forward to 1/3 off your train tickets during off-peak()times.Enjoy discounted travel across 16 counties (B)in the South East,even including the whole ofLondon!It is a great option for anyone who doesn't fall into any of the other Raileard categories,as people ofany age can hold one.The student RailcardAt the cost of just E 30,this Railcard is of excellent value for money.Whether you have an early morninglecture or you're rolling home in the early hours after a night out,you can still get 1/3 off on all passenger railservices within the UK!The only requirement for this railcard is that you need to be within the ages of 16 and25.This railcard is available for all who are between the ages of 26 and 30,regardless of peak or off-peak times.However,it is currently only available digitally,with users being required to download the Railcard app and showticket inspectors during train ticket checks.Costing just E 30,the new raileard can be used across the UK.The Disabled Persons RailcardAny pa.ssenger with a disability is eligible(符合条件的)to apply for one..It only costs E20,making your overalldiscount for the year even better!The most important thing is that any types of tickets can be purchasedthroughout the UK rail network.Besides,it can also get you discount on London attractions.111 Which Railcard just applies to train services in part of the UK?A.The Network Railcard.B.The Student Railcard.D.The disabled Persons Railcard.[21 What is the age range of the people using the Student Railcard?B.13-15.C.26-30.D.16-25.[3]What is special about the Millennial Railcard?第1页/共13页夸克学习有夸克就有解A.It cannot be used during peak times.2.One in three UK consumers throw away food just because it reaches the use-by date ()but 60%of thefood we throw away each year is safe to eat.In order to help detect spoilage()and reduce food waste for supermarkets and consumers,researchers havedeveloped spoilage sensors for meat and fish packaging.The researchers say the sensors could also eventually replace the use-by date-a widely used indicator of beingfresh and eatable.The sensors cost two US cents each to make.Knoun as 'paper-based electrical gas sensors(PEGS),they detect spoilage gases in meat and fish products.The information provided by the electronic nose isreceived by a smartphone,and then you can know whether tie food is fresh and safe to eat.The researchers made the sensors by printing carbon electrodes ()onto a special type of paper.The materialsare eco-friendly and harmless,so.they don't damage the environment and are safe to use in food packaging.Thesensors,combined with a liny electronic system,then inform nearby mobile devices,which identify and understandthe data about spoilage gases.Lead author Dr Firat Cuder,of Imperial's Department of Bioengineering,said,"Although they're designed to keepus safe,use-by dales can lead to eatable food being thrown away.They don't always reflect its actual freshness.Infact,people often get sick from foodborne diseases due to poor storage,even when an item is within its use-bydate.""These sensors are cheap enough so we hope to see supermarkets using them within three years.Our goal is to usePEGS in food packaging to reduce unnecessary food waste."[1]What is the purpose of PEGS according to the text?A.To improve the service of stores.B.To help people test food freshness.C.To help supermarkets store foods.D.To improve the taste of food products.[21 What role does the smartphone play while PEGS are functioning?A.It helps print the gas sensors onto paper.B.It helps Ls the spoilage gases from foods.C.It reals the data collected by PEGS.D.It acts as an electronic nose.【3】What does Dr Firat Cuder say about use-by dates?A.They are not accepted by consumers.B.They are based on scientific research.C.They can help reduce food waste.D.They are not completely reliable.[4]What does the author mainly talk about in the tert?A.A new technology in packaging to reduce food waste.B.The process of researching spoilage sensors.第2页/共13页夸克学习有夸克就有解C.Use-by dates'influence on supermarkets and consumers.3.Learning to give praise to othersWords of praise,when used right,can have powerful positive effects on others.They are free,but they're worthso much to the receiving person.11 Your members didn't follow you because of salaries but for more altruistic()reasons.Therefore,it is important that you give them the praise that is due for their efforts.[2]Don't say."You look good today.'When you could have said,you look amazing today!"Don't say,Thanksfor your effort."Instead say,Im so thankful for your being on this project:we couldn't have finished it withoutyou!Of course,with all that I have mentioned above,be sure that it's coming from your heart.131 Don't praise ifyou don't have a hint(of appreciation for the person.Trust me,it will show in your eyes and the other partywill feel upset.Insincere praise is flattery ()you seek to gain something from saying good things about theother person.Besides,praising in public is rather important.141 When you praise a partner in public,you lift him up and isconduct for everyone in the room to see.Look for opportunities where you can publicly celebrate the hard work ofcertain people and make them feel they are great.I believe that as you begin using these communication tips and praising people around you,you'll see a change inthe atmosphere of your work environment.[5]Finally,you'll find yourself with a more effective team!A.So you need to be sincere in praise.B.This is more so in voluntary organizations.C.People will become happier and smile more.D.It is much more effective than praise in private.E.Remember that measured praise is no praise at all.4.阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式,并填在答题卡的相应位置。A soldier from the war of Vilna who ran the New York Marathon 111 memory of three men he servedalongside,crawled (across the finish line as his body almost gave up-but his mind didn't.In 2010,Mike's three friends,Mark Juarez,Matthew Ballard and Rupert Hamer,[21 (kill)in a bombing attack.He was [3](fortune)to be alive and active.After returning home,he decided to run the New York Marathonfor his late friends and draw【4L(attend)to veterans(老兵的)situations..Close to the end.his legs gave way and he fell down in great pain,but he wasn't going to let it stop him.Heused his arms 15](drag)his body towards the finish line.161 (eventual)he regained enough feeling in hislegs and began to crawl.With the crowd 17](cheer),Mike crossed the finish line on his hands and knees.During the race,Mike repeated his friends names,even though it causer curious looks from other competitors.Mike said their names gave him181 (strong).He also fized their names,191 were on three golden plates,tohis shoelaces.As for the pain he experienced."he said."1101 I was going through is nothing compared the painthat my friends went through第3页/共13页夸克学习有夸克就有解阅读理解1."Im going to learn at least one dish each week.You just need to sit back and watch."I got off the phone withmy mom and clicked on the TV-bor-shaped icon ()of YouTube.We were just having a bet about whether Iwould ever be able to teach myself to cook without her step-by-step guidance.Technology has revolutionized the way we learn.That was what I believed then.However,after two weeks ofwatching those instructional videos,the reality of my barely improved cooking struck me in the face.To behonest,the result didn't come off as too much of a shock.Deep down,I had always knoum that perfection reliesin no small part on endless hours of meaningful practice.I am not alone in experiencing this type of failure.With an impressive variety of online resources at ourfingertips,it is natural that we use them to our advantage and learn new skills through "watching them.There's nothing ineffective about this kind of learning in itself.However,a recent study published inPsychological Science shows that if you watch an erpert performing a skill unknoun to you for too long,it willraise your self-confidence in a way that it arouses (your unrealistic expectations of yourself.The dissonancebetween your true ability and your false view of it can have a negative influence on your learning outcome.Youmight become as discouraged as I was.And if your determination isn't strong enough,you might just give uphalfway.If right now you are considering learning something new through watching online videos,be it juggling pins)ice-skating,or even Michael Jackson's timeless moonwalk,don't forget to mir it up with the tried-and-truemethod of practicing and repeating.And most importantly,try not to get caught up in the feel-good act of【1】What do we know about the author?A.She knew her failure resulted from lacking practice.B.She was astonished at her failure to be a great cook.C.She disagreed with her mom on how to cook.D.She was misled by some so-called experts.[21 What's the author's opinion of online resources?A.They are of poor quality.B.They are helpful in a way.C.They are difficult of access.D.They have benefited her a lol.[3]What does the word "dissonance"underlined in Paragraph 4 probably mean?A.Dislike.B.DisbeliefC.DisapprovalD.Disagreement.【4】What does the author mainly intend to show readers?A.Online videos are growing in popularity.第4页/共13页夸克学习有夸克就有解2.Cedar,a third-generation beekeeper from the countryside of New South Wales,Australia,says that he wasinspired to try and design a simply hive (after his brother was stung ()during one of their honey-gatheringtasks.The young guy knew that there must be a clever way to gather honey without having to wear protective suits,open the hive,and disturb the little bees.After several years.Cedar and his father Stwart finally perfected theirinvention-the Flow Hive,which can save beekeepers hours of work simply by channeling all of its honey into atap that can be turned on and off at will.Four years after their initial success,the Flow Hive has had a big influence on honeybee populations around theworld.The father and his son say that they have successfully shipped over 51,000 hives to 150 differentcountries.Since they introduced the hive in 2015,the number of beekeeper in the US alone has increased by over10%.Their success is particularly significant since honeybee populations have been steadily decreasing as a result ofhabitat loss.That's why now Stuart and Cedar Anderson are donating their hive earnings to internationalhoneybee advocacy groups."We're proud to have donated 100%of profits from the sale of our Flow Pollinator ()House to nine localpollinator projects in Australia and the US that are at work protecting wild habitats all around the world,"saidthe Anderson in a statement."Pollinators need large areas of habitat to grow healthily-the more we can do toconserve native habitats,the more opportunities these tiny environmental champions will have to do theirimportant work."【1】What can we learn about Cedar?A.He is often hurt by honeybees.B.He knows a lot about beekeeping.C.He is from a big city in Australia.D.He dislikes working with his brother[21 Which of the following best describes the Flow Hive?A.It simplifies the honey-gathering process.B.h can help bees produce more honey.C.It can improve the quality of honey.【3】Why do the Andersons make donations?A.To build more Flow Hives.B.To protect bees habitats.C.To protect the environment.D.To help the poor in Australia.【4】What would be the best title for the tert?A.True Facts About Honeybees第5页/共13页
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