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曲靖师范学院2021~2022学年第1学期《大学英语》期末考试试卷学院:姓名:班级:考号:I.Each of the statements below is followed by four alternative answers.Choose the one thatbest completes the statement and put the letter in the bracket.(30%)1.As defined in terms of spoken language,a word is viewed as a sound or combination of soundswhich are made voluntarily with humanequipment.(A.visualB.vocalC.physicalD.mental2.Words may fall into content words and functional words byA.use frequencyB.notionC.originD.sound3refers to the specialized vocabularies by which members of particular arts,sciences,trades and professions communicate among themselves.A.TerminologyB.ArchaismsC.SlangD.Jargon4.Which of the following is NOT one of the three channels through which modem Englishvocabulary develops?A.Creation.B.Semantic changes.C.ClippingD.Borrowing5.Rapid growth of science and technology breeds such new words as the following EXCEPTA.TV dinnerB.earthriseC.moon walkD.space shuttle6.The surviving languages fall into eight principal groups,which can be grouped into the Eastemset and theset.A.WesternB.AfricanC.American7.The plural morpheme "-s"is pronounced as/z/in the following wordsEXCEPT第1页(共5页)A.bedsB.bagsC.cheatsD.bottles8.The word "prisoner"comprisesmorphemes.(A.1B.2C.3D.49.The following words have derivational affixes EXCEPTA.rereadB.prewarC.bloodyD.harder10.The prefix "over-"in the word "overweight"is a prefix ofA.orientation and attitudeB.degree or sizeC.time and orderD.number11.The method of creating words by removing the supposed suffixes is calledA.back-formationB.acronymyC.conversionD.clipping12."Champagne",a common noun,comes from a)A.name of a personB.name of a placeC.name of a bookD.tradename13.is the relationship between language and the world.A.ReferenceB.ConceptC.SenseD.Motivation14.Motivation accounts for the connection between the linguistic symbol and itsA.formB.pronunciationC.spellingD.meaning15.The word“is an onomatopoetically motivated word.A.miaowB.swordC.laconic16.In modem English,an overwhelming majority of words areA.originalB.initialC.polysemousD.periodical17.,the derived meanings,no matter how many,are secondary in comparison.A.SynchronicallyB.DiachronicallyC.EtymologicallyD.Onomatopoetically18.Want,wish,like and desire are synonyms,but as far as intensity is concerned,is thestrongest of all.第2页(共5页)A.wishB.likeC.wantD.desire19.There are five types of meaning changes and among which.are the most common.A.degradation and elevationB.transfer and extensionC.elevation and narrowingD.extension and narrowing20.Due toreason,a word is retained for a name though the meaning has changed becausethe referent has changed.A.psychologicalB.historicalC.classD.linguistic21.Among the following words onlyis the word which originally had a specializedmeaning and now has become generalized.)A.journalB.wifeC.accidentD.disease22.Based oncontext,we can arrive at the meaning of "do a sum".(A.grammaticalB.lexicalC.culturalD.non-linguistic23.The sentence "The fish is ready to eat."is ambiguous due toA.grammatical structureB.hyponymyC.cultural influenceD.non-linguistic context24.In the sentence "Perhaps the most startling theory to come out of kinesics,the study of bodymovement,was suggested by Professor Birdwhistell."The meaning of kinesics can be inferredfrom the clue ofA.definitionB.synonymyC.antonymyD.hyponymy25.Which of the following is NOT a figure of speech?(A.Metaphor.B.Personification.C.Euphemism.D.Shortening.26.Never do things by halves is a(n)A.verbal idiom in natureB.nominal idiom in natureC.sentence idiomD.adverbial idiom in nature27.The change of idiom "Silence is golden"from the original form isA.replacementB.position-shiftingC.additionD.shortening第3页(共5页)
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