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2020年12月大学英语六级试题第3套PartⅡListening Comprehension(30 minutes)特别说明六级考试每次仅考两套听力第三套听力试题同第一套或第二套试题一致PartⅢReading Comprehension(40 minutes)Section ADirections:In this section,there is a passage with ten blanks.You are required to select one word foreach blank from a list of choices given in a word bank following the passage.Read thepassage through carefully before making your choices.Each choice in the bank isidentified by a letter.Please mark the corresponding letter for each item on AnswerSheet 2 with a single line through the centre.You may not use any of the words in thebank more than once.Social distancing is putting people out of work,canceling school and tanking the stock market.Ithas been 26 by fear,and it is creating even more fear as money problems and uncertainty grow.However,at its core is love,and a sacrifice to protect those most 27 to the coronaviruseffects-the elderly,people with compromised immune systems,and those whose life-savingresources would be used up by a 28 epidemic.Americans make life-saving decisions every day as a matter of course.We cut food into bite-sized pieces,we wear seatbelts,and we take care not to exceed the speed limit.But social distancingis 29 in that it is completely self-sacrificing.Those who will benefit may be the elderly relativesof the 30 person we didn't pass in Starbucks,on the subway,or in the elevator.Social distancing is millions of people making hundreds of sacrifices to keep the elderly alive.Itdoesn't include the 31 to run from society or make an excuse to avoid one's obligations-such aslife-saving medical work or the parental obligation to buy groceries.What it does include is applyinglove through caution.And in doing so,it offers an 32 opportunity for those who care about theelderly to find new ways to love them.If we're not 33 as much in our normal work or school,we have extra time to call parentsand grandparents.We can also ask elderly relatives how to best support them 34 and use oursacrifices as an opportunity to bring us,our community and the world 35A)amazingsentimentallyB)closerJ)spirituallyC)drivenK)temptationsD)engagedL)thriftierE)malignantM)tickledF)oppressingN))uniqueG)premises0)vulnerableH)randomSection BDirections:In this section,you are going to read a passage with ten statements attached to it.Eachstatement contains information given in one of the paragraphs.Identify the paragraph fromwhich the information is derived.You may choose a paragraph more than once.Eachparagraph is marked with a letter.Answer the questions by marking the corresponding letteron Answer Sheet 2.Why Lifelong Learning Is the International Passport to SuccessA)Picture yourself at a college graduation day,with a fresh cohort()of students about to set sailfor new horizons.What are they thinking while they throw their caps in the air?What is it withthis thin sheet of paper that makes it so precious?It's not only the proof of acquired knowledgebut plays into the reputation game of where you were trained.Being a graduate from Harvard LawSchool carries that extra glamour,doesn't it?Yet take a closer look,and the diploma is the perfectending to the modern tragedy of education.B)Why?Because universities and curricula are designed along the three unities of French classicaltragedy:time,action,and place.Students meet at the university campus(unity of place)for classes(unity of action)during their 20s(unity of time).This classical model has traditionally producedprestigious universities,but it is now challenged by the digitalisation of society-which allowseverybody who is connected to the internet to access learning-and by the need to acquire skillsin step with a fast-changing world.Universities must realise that learning in your 20s won't beenough.If technological diffusion and implementation develop faster,workers will have toconstantly refresh their skills.C)The university model needs to evolve.It must equip students with the right skills and knowledgeto compete in a world 'where value will be derived largely from human interaction and the abilityto invent and interpret things that machines cannot',as the English futurist Richard Watson putsit.By teaching foundational knowledge and up-to-date skills,universities will provide studentswith the future-proof skills of lifelong learning,not just get them 'job-ready'.6·2D)Some universities already play a critical role in lifelong learning as they want to keep the value oftheir diplomas.This new role comes with a huge set of challenges,and needs largely to beinvented.One way to start this transformation process could be to go beyond the five-yeardiploma model'to adapt curricula to lifelong learning.We call this model the lifelong passport.E)The Bachelor's degree could be your passport to lifelong learning.For the first few years,studentswould'learn to learn'and get endowed with reasoning skills that remain with them for the rest oftheir lives.For instance,physics allows you to observe and rationalise the world,but also tointegrate observations into models and,sometimes,models into theories or laws that can be used tomake predictions.Mathematics is the language used to formulate the laws of physics or economy,and to make rigorous computations that turn into predictions.These two disciplines naturally formthe foundational pillars of education in technical universities.F)Recent advances in computational methods and data science push us into rethinking science andengineering.Computers increasingly become principal actors in leveraging data to formulatequestions,which requires radically new ways of reasoning.Therefore,a new discipline blendingcomputer science,programming,statistics and machine learning should be added to the traditionalfoundational topics of mathematics and physics.These three pillars would allow you to keeplearning complex technical subjects all your life because numeracy (is the foundation uponwhich everything else is eventually built.G)According to this new model,the Master of Science (MSc)would become the first stamp in thelifelong learning journey.The MSc curriculum should prepare students for their professionalcareer by allowing them to focus on acquiring practical skills through projects.H)Those projects are then interwoven with fast-paced technical modules learned on-the-fly'and 'at will'depending on the nature of the project.If,for instance,your project is developingan integrated circuit,you will have to take a module on advanced concepts in microelectronics.The most critical skills will be developed before the project even starts,in the form of boot camps(短期搔化训练),while the rest can be fostered along with the project,.putting them to immediateuse and thus providing a rich learning context.I)In addition to technical capabilities,the very nature of projects develops social and entrepreneurialskills,such as design thinking,initiative taking,team leading,activity reporting or resourceplanning.Not only will those skills be actually integrated into the curriculum but they will be veryimportant to have in the future because they are difficult to automate.J)After the MSc diploma is earned,there would be many more stamps of lifelong learning over theyears.If universities decide to engage in this learning model,they will have to cope with manyorganisational challenges that might shake their unity of place and action.First,the number ofstudents would be unpredictable.If all of a university's alumni(往届毕业生)were to become6·3students again,the student body would be much bigger than it is now,and it could becomeunsustainable for the campus in terms of both size and resources.Second,freshly graduatedstudents would mix with professionally experienced ones.This would change the classroomdynamics,perhaps for the best.Project-based learning with a mixed team reflects the reality of theprofessional world and could therefore be a better preparation for it.K)Sound like science fiction?In many countries,part-time studying is not exceptional:on averageacross OECD countries,part-time students in 2016 represented 20 per cent of enrolment in tertiaryeducation.In many countries,this share is higher and can exceed 40 per cent in Australia,NewZealand and Sweden.L)If lifelong learning were to become a priority and the new norm,diplomas,just like passports,could be revalidated periodically.A time-determined revalidation would ease administration foreverybody.Universities as well as employers and employees would know when they have toretrain.For instance,graduates from the year 2000 would have to come back in 2005M)This could fix the main organisational challenges for the university,but not for the leamners,dueto lack of time,family obligations or funds.Here,online learning might be an option because itallows you to save your travel time',but it has its limits.So far,none of the major employersassociated with online learning platforms such as Coursera and Udacity has committed to hire oreven interview graduates of their new online programmes.N)Even if time were not an issue,who will pay for lifelong learning?That's the eternal debate:should it be the learner's responsibility,that of his employer,or of the state?For example,inMassachusetts,the healthcare professions require continuing education credits,which are carefullyevidenced and documented.Yet the same state's lawyers don't require continuing legal education,although most lawyers do participate in it informally.One explanation is that technology is less ofa factor in law than it is in healthcare.O)Europe has many scenarios,but the French and Swiss ones are interesting to compare.In France,every individual has a right to lifelong learning organised via a personal learning account that iscredited as you work.In Switzerland,lifelong learning is a personal responsibility and not agovernment one.However,employers and the state encourage continuing education either byfunding parts of it or by allowing employees to attend it.P)Universities have a fundamental role to play in this journey,and higher education is in for achange.Just like classical theatre,the old university model produced talent and value for society.We are not advocating its abolition but rather calling for the adaptation of its characteristics tomeet the needs of today.36.Students should develop the key skills before they start a project.37.By acquiring reasoning skills in the first few years of college,students can lay a foundation forlifelong learning.38.The easy access to learning and rapid technological changes have brought the traditional model ofeducation under challenge.39.Unbelievable as it may seem,part-time students constitute a considerable portion of the studentbody in many universities across the world.40.Some social and managerial skills,which are not easily automated,will be of great importance tostudents'future careers.41.A new model of college education should provide students with the knowledge and skills that willmake them more inventive and capable of lifelong learning.42.A mixed student body may change the classroom dynamics and benefit learning.43.The question of who will bear the cost of lifelong learning is a topic of constant debate.44.To the traditional subjects of math and physics should be added a new discipline which combinescomputer science with statistics and other components.45.Students who are burdened with family duties might choose to take online courses.Section CDirections:There are 2 passages in this section.Each passage is followed by some questions orunfinished statements.For each of them there are four choices marked A),B),C)andD).You should decide on the best choice and mark the corresponding letter on AnswerSheet 2 with a single line through the centre.Passage OneQuestions 46 to 50 are based on the following passage.Why does social media trigger feelings of loneliness and inadequacy?Because instead of beingreal life,it is,for the most part,impression management,a way of marketing yourself,carefullychoosing and filtering the pictures and words to put your best face forward.Online "friends"made through social media do not follow the normal psychological progressionof an interpersonal relationship.You share neither physical time nor emotional conversations over theInternet.You simply communicate photographs and catchy posts to a diverse group of people whomyou have "friended"or"followed"based on an accidental interaction.This is not to say that yoursocial media friends can't be real friends.They absolutely can,but the two are not synonymous.
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