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本套除写作和翻译题目之外,其余题目和第2套完全相同,故而未再重复2020年9月大学英语六级考试真题(三)Part IWriting(30 minutes)Directions:For this part,you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay on the saying Beauty of the soul isthe essential beauty.You should write at least 150 words but no more than 200 words.结构框图:第1段引入谚语并解释其含义:一个人的内在美比其外在美更重要。第2段具体阐述灵魂之美是本质之美的理由:内在美是永恒不变的;内在:Beauty of the Soul is!美是一个人的灵魂,会反映在一个人的外表上;内在美会让你拥有快乐the Essential Beauty和健康的人际关系。第3段得出结论,总结全文,重申观点。范文点评:参考范文精彩点评Beauty of the Soul is the Essential Beauty【l】The famous saying“Beauty of the soul is the essential beauty”【1】引入谚语并解释其含义:一个has long been accepted by the public,which tells us that a person's inner人的内在美比他的外在美更beauty is much more important than his outer beauty.重要。[2]Firstly,inner beauty is something that will last forever in the【2】用Firstly引出第一个理由:内person.But outer beauty is all about your appearance,which will not在美是永恒不变的,而外在美remain the same as time goes by.[31 Secondly,there is no way outer并不会永远存在。beauty can exist without inner beauty.It is the soul of the person that【3】用Secondly引出第二个理由:reflects in his face.And a dark heart will never be able to reflect the内在美是一个人的灵魂,会反sincerity and the joy that a heart full of light can.[4]Thirdly,the way映在一个人的脸上。you look is not the key factor that will ensure you have harmonious【4】用Thirdly引出第三个理由:内relationships in your life.The inner beauty could make sure you go在美可以让你拥有快乐和健康about creating blissful and healthy relationships.的人际关系。15]In a word,beauty is not in your appearance,not in your【5】用In a word总结全文,再次重identity,but in your soul.申自己的观点。话题词汇:intangible无形的external外在的lasting持久的personality品质,个性virtue美德attractive吸引人的invaluable极有价值的superficial表面的,肤浅的impressive给人深刻印象的temporary暂时的internal内心的visible看得见的Translation(30 minutes)Directions:For this part,you are allowed 30 minutes to translate a passage from Chinese into English.Youshould write your answer on Answer Sheet 2.《红楼梦》(Dream of the Red Chamber)是l8世纪曹雪芹创作的一部小说。曹雪芹基于自己痛苦的个人经历,讲述了贾宝玉和林黛玉之间的悲剧性爱情故事。书中有大约30个主要人物和400多个次要人物,每个人物都刻画得栩栩如生,具有鲜明的个性。小说详尽地描述了四个贵族世家兴衰的历程,反映了封建社会隐藏的种种危机和错综复杂的社会冲突。《红楼梦》融合了现实主义和浪漫主义,具有很强的艺术感染力。它被普遍认为是中国最伟大的小说,也是世界上最伟大的文学创作之一。参考译文与难点注释Dream of the Red Chamber1.本文是对文学作品的介绍,因此全文应使用一般现在时。第一段第一句的主is a novel written by Cao Xueqin干是“《红楼梦》是…一部小说”,可翻译为主系表结构Dream of the Redin the 18th century.Based onChamber is a novel...。“18世纪”"可以翻译为时间状语in the 18 th century,.放在句尾。“曹雪芹创作的”可以翻译为过去分词短语written byhis own miserable personalCao Xueqin,作novel的后置定语。experience,Cao Xueqin tells a2.第一段第二句中,“基于…”可以译为based on...或on the basis of...。tragic love storybetween因此,“曹雪芹基于自己痛苦的个人经历,讲述了…”可以翻译为BasedJia Baoyu and Lin Daiyu.Thereon his own miserable personal experience,Cao Xueqin tells....exist about 30 main characters3.第一段第三句的主干为“书中有…和…”,可以翻译为一个存在句:and more than 400 minorThere are/,exist..and..in the book.·。“主要人物”和“次要人物”可分别characters in the book,each of翻译为main/key characters/figures和minor/,secondary characters/figures。.whom is portrayed vividly with“每个人物都刻画得栩栩如生,具有鲜明的个性”可以处理为非限制性定语distinctive personalities.The从句each of whom is portrayed vividly with distinctive personalities。novel gives a detailed description4.第一段第四句的主干为“小说详尽地描述了…,反映了…”,可以翻译of the rise and fall of four为“句子主干+现在分词”结构,即The novel gives a detailed descriptionaristocratic families,reflectingof..,reflecting..。“四个贵族世家兴衰的历程”即“四个贵族家庭兴盛和衰亡的过程”,可以翻译为the rise and fall of four aristocratic families。the hidden crises and complex“隐藏的种种危机和错综复杂的社会冲突”可以翻译为and连接的并列成social conflicts of the feudal分,即the hidden crises and complex social conflicts;“封建社会"可以翻译society.为介词短语of the feudal society作后置定语。Dream of the Red Chamber,5.第二段第一句可以翻译为一个主从复合句,将句子的主要信息“《红楼梦》which combines realism and具有很强的艺术感染力”翻译为主句,将句子的次要信息“融合了现实主义romanticism,hasa strong和浪漫主义”翻译为一个非限制性定语从句。artistic appeal.It is universally6.第二段第二句的主干为“它被普遍认为是…,也是…之一”,可以翻译regarded as the greatest novel in为It is universally regarded as..and one of..·。“被普遍认为是…”还China and one of the greatest可以译为be widely/generally acknowledged as..。“世界上最伟大的文literary creations in the world.学创作”可以翻译为the greatest literary creations in the world。话题词汇classic名著,经典作品depict描写,描绘prestige威望,声望rank社会阶层peak masterpiece巅峰之作Chinese culture中国文化decline衰落feudal family封建家族附:第三套作文及翻译答案与详解Part I Writing唯独心灵的财富才是真正的财富一、审题引导(与2020年7月审题引导同理,故略)“心灵财富”相关的词汇及表达“物质财富”相关的词汇及表达mental/psychological health/well-being心理使康materialistic a,物质的,拜金的creativity m.创造力basic necessities基本生活必需品consolation".慰藉economic ambition经济野心cognitive breakthrough认知突破career oriented以职业为乎向的mental tranquility心灵的平静mass production批量生产relieve pressure/anxiety/anguish鍰斜压力/焦虑/悲efficiency is the key to success效率是成功的关键冷三、写作提纲第一段:结合现实情形引入格言。第二段:由反例引入对格言合理性的论证。第三段:发出呼吁。四、下笔成文满分范文参考译文D Modern life is characterized by packed agendas.①“议程紧凑”是现代生活的标志性While it is true that high efficiency is important in特征。②高效率对于创造经济财富固然generating economic wealth,its damage to people's重要,但其对人们心理健康的损害却越psychological well-being is increasingly worrying.3In a来越令人担忧。③在职业过劳、抑郁症time when mental health problems such as burnout and等心理健康问题越来越普遍的今天,我depression become more and more common,we need to们需要提醒自己那句老生常谈却又令人remind ourselves of that cliched yet compelling saying:折服的话:唯独心灵的财富才是真正的wealth of the mind is the only true wealth.财富。DAdmittedly,having adequate economic wealth is a①诚然,拥有足够的经济财富是生prerequisite for a carefree life.2But an overemphasis on it活无忧的前提。②但是,如果过分强调has opposite effects.It exhausts our mental energy and它,就会适得其反。③它耗尽了我们的distracts us from pursuing what makes us truly happy.精力,分散了我们的注意力,使我们无法To live a genuinely fulfilling life,we should instead focus追求真正使自己快乐的东西。④要想过on building wealth of the mind.5This does not mean we上真正充实的生活,我们则应该注重心all should dedicate ourselves to creating cultural wealth as灵财富的积累。⑤这并不意味着我们都artists do.Instead,all activities that contribute to our应该像艺术家那样致力于创造文化财mental well-being add to wealth of the mind.Following富。⑥而是,所有助益于我们心理使康this logic,even taking a walk in the garden,which helps的活动都会增添心灵财富。⑦按照这一relieve stress and anxiety,can increase wealth of the逻辑,即便是在花园中散步也可以增添心mind.灵财富,因为这有助于缓解压力和焦虑。33DIn our current social context,economic wealth is①在我们当前的社会环境中,经济regarded as the primary sign of success.It is high time财富被视作成功的首要标志。②现在是we changed that and shifted our focus to wealth of the时候政变这一情况并把重点转移到心灵mind.财富上了。·词汇注释·packed[pekt]a.挤满的,紧凑的opposite effect反作用,相反的效果burnout['b3naUt]n.职业过劳depression[di'pren]n.抑杯症,精神忧都fulfilling[fu'l四]a.让人感觉有意义的,令人满足的cliched['kli:ferd]a.陈词滥调的,老生常谈的dedicate oneself to doing sth致力于做某事compelling[kam'pel]a.令人信服的contribute to sth对…有贡献,增加,增进·进阶表达·普通表达高级替换表达表现出…的特征,以…为特征reflect the trait ofbe characterized by是…的前提be necessary forbe a prerequisite for现在是时候做…了Now we should...It is high time (that)we did...冷五、写作储备You might be poor,your shoes might be broken,but your mind is a palace.(Frank MeCourt)你可能贫穷,履不裹足,但你的心灵是一座宫殿。(弗兰克·麦考特)Human happiness is a disposition of mind and not a condition of circumstance.(John Locke)人的幸福是一种心态,而不是环境的一种状况。(约翰·洛克)It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it.(Aristotle)能够容纳一种思想而不认同它,这是一个有教养的头脑的标志。(亚里士多德)As a single footstep will not make a path on the earth,so a single thought will not make apathway in the mind.To make a deep physical path,we walk again and again.To make a deep mentalpath,we must think over and over the kind of thoughts we wish to dominate our lives.(Henry DavidThoreau)正如一个脚步不会在大地上开出一条路,一个念头也不会在心中开出一条路。要想开出一条深邃的路,我们就要反复地走。而为了使心灵的道路深邃,我们必须反复思考我们希望主导自身生活的那种思想。(亨利·戴雏·梭罗)疗六、高分模板(参见2020年7月高分模板)34
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