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Donald JobsNo.67,Lane123 Job Rd.,District,Shanghai200070(+86)138-0000-0000service@qiaobutang.comEDUCATIONColumbia collegeChicagoBachelors of ArtsMUSIC BUSINESS MAJOR,MARKETING MINORAnticipated Graduation:May 2013MARKETINGENTERTAINMENTEXPERIENCESchubas Tavern Lincoln HallAUGUST 2012-JANUARY 2013CHICAGO,ILLINOIS'stache MediaLifestyle RepresentativeUpdated print promotion and production schedules for nightly shows in each venueAssisted in archiving artist contracts and riders in addition to preparing artist hospitalityReviewed artist demos to assist talent buyer with booking for each venueSony Music Entertainment/RED DistributionDECEMBER 2011-APRIL 2012CHICAGO,ILLINOIS'stache Media Lifestyle RepresentativeEngaged with consumers through cross-platform direct marketing efforts,includingexperiential and digital effortsCompiled reports including marketing efforts for lifestyle tour campaigns to be sent tothe artist's labelD0312DECEMBER 2011 AUGUST 2012CHICAGO,ILLINOISMarketing and Content InternProduced content for brand site while assisted in cross-checking venue websitesAttended shows and special events to direct marketing the Do312companyand similarup coming showsPromoted Do312events,blogposts,and special events through social media outletsEmpower Public RelationsAUGUST 2011-DECEMBER 2011CHICAGO,ILLINOISPublic Relations InternGrew and developed social media outlets for clientsWrote weekly pitches for an array of clients to be sent to major media platformsEngaged with media to secure segments for clientsBel 50OCTOBER 2012-PRESENTOTHER WORKBelden DeliFEBRUARY 2012-SEPTEMBER 2012EXPERIENCENoodles CompanyAPRIL 2007 JANUARY 2012Adobe InDesign and Photoshop,Microsoft Office,AP Style,Social Media Platforms,PROFICIENT INSpanish language (conversational)
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